Saturday, December 20, 2014

Symmetry using Power Polygons

Calculating area of the shape using an equilateral triangle.

Recording data.

Making a symmetrical shape.

"Coloring our symmetrical shape."

"Our shape is symmetrical."

Colored the grid where the Power Polygons were.

Taking turns placing Power Polygons on the grid paper.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Visitors from Pakistan and Indonesia

PAX exchange students from Indonesia and Pakistan answering 4th grader questions.

Class photo with Fira and Naina.
Students holding the flags and some money from the countries they learned about.

Lily wearing a prayer costume from Indonesia.

Using Geoboards to learn about angles and lines.

"I've got perpendicular lines!"

"You want what?"

Student shares two perpendicular lines and a right angle.

First one done.

"It's hard to see the blue rubber band, but that's an acute angle."

Student shares her obtuse angle.

Mathematicians hard at work.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Rube Goldberg

Students watching a Rube Goldberg video.

Student sharing his own Rube Goldberg invention.

Students sharing Rube Goldberg ideas.

"I'm going to try and use all six simple machines."

Student wanted to finish his Rube Goldberg invention even though the day was over.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

4th Grade Units of Study

Grade 4
Reading Street Unit Theme
Social Studies
Health, Tech, ?
Discovery-New people and places
Multiplication and division- 3 units total
Vermont History
Early settlers

Electricity: transfer, collision, speed, circuits, solar
Personal narrative
We Care: lessons 1,2,3
Value of Teamwork
Data analysis
Vt Contribution to US Heritage
Agriculture, tourism
Wave properties, light, sound/ patterns, wire and wave
Opinion/argument writing
Alcohol, Tobacco and other drugs
Lessons 1-3
Patterns in Nature
2-D geometry and measurement
World History
perspectives of different cultures
indigenous cultures
Animals & Plants
Internal & external structure
Information processing
Procedure writing
Personal Hygiene
Lessons 1-3
Is there and explanation for everything?
Addition, subtraction and the number system

Earth in Universe
Fossils, rock layers
Response to literature

What makes an adventure?
Fractions and Decimals

Earth Systems
Weather & erosion, plate tectonics, topographic features
Just so story:  alliteration, repetition, figurative language

What does it take to achieve our goals and dreams?
Patterns, functions, and change

Earth & Human
Natural resources: energy & fuel
Impact on humans

Visit from Fenel Pierre

Fenel Pierre sharing with students about Haiti.

Students eagerly asking questions at the end of Fenel's presentation.