Saturday, December 20, 2014

Symmetry using Power Polygons

Calculating area of the shape using an equilateral triangle.

Recording data.

Making a symmetrical shape.

"Coloring our symmetrical shape."

"Our shape is symmetrical."

Colored the grid where the Power Polygons were.

Taking turns placing Power Polygons on the grid paper.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Visitors from Pakistan and Indonesia

PAX exchange students from Indonesia and Pakistan answering 4th grader questions.

Class photo with Fira and Naina.
Students holding the flags and some money from the countries they learned about.

Lily wearing a prayer costume from Indonesia.

Using Geoboards to learn about angles and lines.

"I've got perpendicular lines!"

"You want what?"

Student shares two perpendicular lines and a right angle.

First one done.

"It's hard to see the blue rubber band, but that's an acute angle."

Student shares her obtuse angle.

Mathematicians hard at work.